Quick Links
Campbell-Savona Junior-Senior High School is 607-527-9800
CSEA Office extension is 3906
Social Worker
Guidance Office extension is 2708
Ronda Strawser - Home School Counselor
Lisa Madden - School Counselor for Grades 7-9
Matt Holmes - School Counselor for Grades 10-12
Savona Elementary School is 527-9800
Alyssa Brown - School Counselor
Karin Lewis - Social Worker
Steuben County Helpline 1-800-346-2211
Steuben County Community Mental Health
607-664-2255 (Bath Clinic)
607-937-6201 (Corning Clinic)
607-324-2483 (Hornell Clinic)
After Hours’ Crisis number is 607-937-7800
Family Service Society
607-776-3822 (Bath Office)
607-962-3148 (Corning Office)
Clinical Associates of the Southern Tier 936-1771 (Corning)
Clinical Social Work and Counseling Associates of the Finger Lakes 734-1447 (Elmira)
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